Harmony Day Lunch at Mill Park Police Station

24 April 2023

Our Year 12 Senior boys were invited to Mill Park Police Station for a Harmony Day lunch before Ramadan where they had the chance to connect with community leaders and police officers. The boys brought traditional plates of food to share, creating a meaningful exchange of cultures.

Senior Sergeant David Choueiri and Ansam Sadik from Mill Park Police Station graciously hosted the event, providing an opportunity for the boys to meet and ask questions about the police industry with senior officers. Inspector Chris Allen arranged a tour of a police car for the boys, giving them valuable insights into the work of law enforcement.

The event was a special occasion for the Year 12 boys to engage with community leaders and police officers in a relaxed and friendly setting, promoting understanding and building positive relationships. The boys are grateful to Senior Sergeant David Choueiri, Community Liaison Officer Ansam Sadik and Mill Park Police Station for the opportunity to have a meal together, fostering mutual respect and appreciation for different communities.