Message from the Principal Islamic Tradition

Updated January 2018

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

Asalamu Alaikum Dear Partners in Education,

Education of a child does not begin when they start in a formal school setting, but it began the moment they first came into your lap. Everything they heard and saw you do made a lasting impact in their minds.

They learnt what they could and couldn’t do, what made them happy and sad, and how to interact with others, amongst a whole host of other important lessons whilst growing up. Now as they continue to learn, their need for guidance in all matters becomes the concern of all the adults in their life.

At Al Siraat College, we are a group of passionate educators who believe that “it takes a village to raise a child”. We look forward to building an effective partnership between the school and home in order to strengthen the opportunities for our children to succeed. This can only be achieved when we truly take the time to first reach the child, before we can teach the child.

I invite you to work with us in instilling in your child the College values. These encapsulate the Islamic way of life so that the conduct and character is of the highest level. This cannot be achieved unless we make a firm commitment to first bring it into our lives. Ultimately, we want our children to grow up and be confident in their identity as Australian Muslims, and make us proud of who they become, inShaAllah.


  • Rahat Arain

    Deputy Principal / Learning & Innovation Email Rahat

    BEd (Macquarie), BEng (Civil) (UNSW)

    Rahat started her career as a Civil Engineer. Realising the importance of education in the lives of children, she completed a degree in Teaching and embarked on a teaching career. She is dedicated to ensuring that each child can realise their potential and develop both spiritually and academically.

    As co-founder and founding Principal of Al Siraat College from 2009-2017, Rahat has been passionately involved in the set up of this College right from the grassroots. With a passion for Islamic education, she teamed up with her husband to establish the first Islamic school in the City of Whittlesea.

    Prior to her involvement in Al Siraat College, Rahat has had a number of years of experience in other local Islamic schools, public schools, after hours madrassas, and has also been involved in Home Schooling whilst searching for the best way of educating her own children. Being in positions of teaching, leadership, and community service for the last 15 years has helped shape her motivation for contributing to the education of the Muslim community.

    Rahat was appointed as Director of Student Learning and is determined to lead the way in helping the Al Siraat Community flourish as positive Muslims and citizens of Australia.

    Rahat Arain