Academic Writing Workshops

9 September 2019
Academic Writing Workshops

We are pleased to announce that Academic writing workshops for students have commenced this Wednesday, 4 September 2019.

The focus will be on writing academic essays, however, the workshops will be a structured series that will entail other important aspects and components of academic writing, such as, academic language and referencing etc. Here is a general outline of what will be covered:

  • Introduction to academic writing. What is academic writing?
  • Purpose and structure of academic essays.
  • How to formulate an argument.
  • Academic language and academic referencing.
  • Deconstructing academic essay samples

Workshops will be held after-school every Monday and Wednesday from 3:45pm – 4:15pm in TEAMS 101 until the end of the term, inshaaAllah.

Senior students in Years 10 – 12 are welcome to come along and benefit, as well as serious Year 9 students. Each session will revolve around a particular component of academic writing (outline above), including practical application.

Students must attend all five workshops consistently if they are keen.