Our VCE Learning Journey – 2023

28 December 2023
Our VCE Learning Journey – 2023

Alhamdulilah, by the grace of Allah we have achieved the following results for our 35 students who completed VCE this year:

  • 23% of students received an ATAR over 90 (8 students). with the highest ATAR being 98.
  • 45.7% of students received an ATAR over 80 (16 students).
  • 74.29% of students received an ATAR over 70 (26 students).
  • Our Median VCE Study Score is 32.
  • The Median ATAR for the College is 78.29.

Al Siraat is founded on the key efforts of Learning and Akhlaaq (good values and morals). Whilst we do not define our success through the ATAR, this is an outstanding result from our VCE students and shows our continued effort on our key foundation of Learning.

May Allah accept our efforts and give our students khair and barakah in this life and the akhirah.