Physical Education & Health in Years 7 to 9

Updated October 2021

Year 7

Physical Education
In Physical Education this semester, students worked towards developing more specialised and manipulative skills. These skills include; shooting a basket in basketball and serving in tennis. Students also participated in a variety of team and individual games and activities, providing an opportunity to build on skills and tactics that can be later transferred into other sports.

Throughout the semester students were also encouraged to engage in activities, which develop strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance in competitive sports or games. Students were required to work collaboratively with team members to devise strategies and tactics for execution in games.

In Health this semester, students explored the movement skill stages that occur from infant to adolescence. They defined each of the movement skills and provided visual and written examples. Students were encouraged to identify nutritional concerns that may effect young people in their community and abroad, and explored their personal and family food selections, and also identified nutritional needs for the body.

Year 8

Physical Education
In Physical Education this semester, students engaged in activities to help develop strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve their individual and team performance in competitive sports or games. They were required to work collaboratively with team members and were given opportunities to practice set plays and tactics. Students undertook a variety of roles in team games, which included a player, captain, official or a coach. They later reflected on their experiences and used this as a means to improve performance in the sport or activity at hand. Students were regularly reminded to respect the rights of others and to participate with good conduct and sportsmanship. Students also worked towards developing more specialized and manipulative skills. These skills include; shooting a basket in basketball or serving in tennis.

In health this semester, students have identified the influences on adolescents and completed activities based on risk-taking behaviors. They have evaluated harm-minimisation strategies and identified the health concerns and health decisions in relation to physical activity, nutrition and drugs. Students designed and constructed a project, which was purposed build to include community spaces, with the aim to connect individuals and groups to nature.

Year 9

Physical Education
In Physical Education this semester, students worked towards developing proficiency in a range of high-level movements and manipulative skills, such as the forehand drive in tennis, goal shooting in netball, ball control in basketball and striking in softball. Students were introduced to sports such as; European handball, Futsal and games that required them to develop new skills or adapt previously learnt skills in a new context. Students practiced tactics and strategies relevant to the sports and activities completed, as well as worked on improving their fitness through various training methods and principles to further enhance their cardiovascular endurance.

In health this semester, students explored social and cultural factors that influence the development of personal identity and values. They investigated and explain the rights and responsibilities associated with developing greater independence, including those related to different types of relationships. Students evaluated perceptions of challenge, risk and safety in an array of situations and were able to address current trends in the nutritional status of Australians. Students were also encouraged to incorporate physical activity within their daily routines through the ‘Get Active’ assignment. Students studied the current health trends and would can be done to tackle health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and certain forms of cancer.