End of 2023 Primary Awards Assemblies

7 December 2023
End of 2023 Primary Awards Assemblies

This morning, we hosted a Special Primary Awards Ceremony for Years 3 – 6 with special guests the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP (Minister for Energy, Resources, Climate Action, and State Electricity Commission) and MP Bronwyn Halfpenny (State Member for Thomastown).

Our Foundation to Year 2 students also attended their special end of year assembly on the same day.

Both ceremonies were held in the College Auditorium and awards were presented to students in three categories:

  • Academic Achievement
  • Academic Endeavour
  • College Values.

The MC for theYears 3 to 6 awards ceremony event was Ms Inas Mahboub (Assistant Head of Primary. The beautiful Opening Quran recitation was performed by Mikdad Baisa from Year 5 Hifz, reciting Surah Mulk.

Years 3 to 6 Awards were presented to students on stage by our special guests, the Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP and Bronwyn Halfpenny MP.

The Golden Age production team performed 3 different performances and nasheeds each as a part of the special end of year awards ceremonies.

Congratulations to all our students and their families who received awards for their academic achievements, academic endeavours and for always displaying our College values even when no one is watching.

View more photos here.

  • Gulhan Yoldas Community Engagement Lead Work Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Email Gulhan Gulhan Yoldas